Sri Lanka is to import over 92 million poultry eggs from India in order to stabilize the prices of poultry eggs in the local market.
The Cabinet has approved a proposal to import 92.1 million poultry eggs for a period of 03 months.
The Government had earlier decided to import poultry eggs through the State Trading Corporation and release them to the local market.
Accordingly, quotations had been called for from 03 Indian companies recommended by the Department of Animal Products and Health.
The Cabinet of Ministers granted approval to a resolution furnished in his capacity as the Minister of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policies to procure 92.1 million poultry eggs for a period of 03 months through the State Trading Corporation.
The decision was taken after considering the recommendations made by the standing procurement committee appointed by the Cabinet of Ministers based on the price specifications.
Source – colombogazette